101 Years Since The San Remo Conference

Come celebrate the 101st anniversary of the San Remo Conference, when the world powers called for “the establishment in Palestine of a national [reconstituted] home for the Jewish people”.

This Webinar, sponsored by Canadian’s for Israel’s Legal Rights (CILR), Im Tirtzu and The Zionist Organization of America (and co-sponsored by Jews for Judaism and many others) will explore “Why Educating the World about Israel’s Rights to her God-Given Land is Now More Important than Ever”

When: Apr 25, 2021 10:00 AM EDT

To register for this important Webinar, please click this link.

How many times have our Jewish students, as well as non-Jewish students, high school, university, been told Zionism is Colonialism, and Jews are White Oppressors who ethnically cleansed Palestine of Muslims?

How many times has Israel been accused of “Occupying” her own God-given land? Too many!

And with the rise of Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism, plus the failure of the Israeli education system to incorporate into the curriculum knowledge about the Rights of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel, it is incumbent on us in the Diaspora to fill this knowledge gap. Therefore, for many years past, Canadian’s for Israel’s Legal Rights in partnership with ImTirtzu, have educated thousands of Israeli and non-Israeli students, and the worldwide public at large.

CILR and ImTirtzu even plea to the government of Israel to declare the Anniversary of the San Remo Conference a National Holiday, called “Yom San Remo”.

To register for this important Webinar please click this link.

  • Why is JEWS FOR JUDAISM co-sponsoring “SAN REMO 101 – Celebrating the 101st Anniversary of the San Remo Conference” Webinar?

For many years, JEWS FOR JUDAISM has lectured to Jews about the vital connection of the Jewish people to the land of Israel, from both a Biblical and Historical perspective.

We do this because, sadly today, many young Jews worldwide are being coerced, threatened and manipulated by many anti-Israel entities, press and social media sources into abandoning their eternal claim to Israel.

For many Jews, the connection to Israel is their only connection to being Jewish… Remove that, and we’ve lost them.

Tragically, more than ever they are succumbing to these challenges.

Confronted virulent anti-Israel activists with unscrupulous agendas the very freedom of Jews to make informed choices about Israel is being compromised.

Anti-Semitism is on the rise worldwide and universities are flooded with vile anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian and Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) propaganda that inhibits and frightens many young Jewish students from standing up for Israel… and for Judaism.

The result — countless young Jews are abandoning any commitment to Israel… and in some cases, even their connection to the Jewish faith.

Here is a scenario of what can transpire:

The Levin family calls Jews for Judaism because of their daughter Rachel. She is feeling pressured to marry a Muslim man and accept his faith. Rachel had originally met Ahmed at a Pro-Palestinian rally on her university campus. She was greatly impressed by the Palestinians’ articulate case against Israel. Ahmed is having great influence on her attitudes to Israel, Judaism and even her own family. She is now questioning her Judaism and developing strong anti-Israel sentiments

This is not an isolated example.

Led by the BDS movement on our campuses – where tomorrow’s leaders are in training — Jew-hatred is rapidly gaining momentum. The BDS movement has hijacked the hearts and minds of socially conscious Jewish youth.

Disguised by the paper-thin mask of anti-Zionism, the stated goal of the BDS is the elimination of Israel as a Jewish state. Sadly, young Jewish adults on campus are poorly prepared and very intimidated to respond to these promoters of hate and anti-Judaism.

To inspire Jews to be confident and knowledgeable in defense of Israel, and to help Jews not to be intimidated by the growing, vicious BDS movement, Jews for Judaism is very proud of its online “The Jewish Connection to ISRAEL” video lectures of which this webinar “CELEBRATING THE 101ST ANNIVERSARY OF THE SAN REMO CONFERENCE” will hopefully become a part.

To register for the SAN REMO 101, please click on this link.

JEWS FOR JUDAISM is an international outreach organization dedicated to countering the many growing threats to Jewish survival. We win back to Judaism those Jews who have been influenced by evangelical missionaries, destructive cults, eastern religions, Jewish apathy and ignorance, intermarriage, anti-Israel BDS movements and other challenges to Jewish continuity. Jews for Judaism achieves its goals through free educational programs, educational literature, counseling services and worldwide Internet outreach that connects 5,000 people daily to the spiritual depth, beauty and wisdom of Judaism.

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EMAIL: info@jewsforjudaism.ca

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