Audio Recordings Providing A Strong Response To Missionary Claims.

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he Jews For Judaism Counter-missionary Survival Seminar with Rabbi Michael Skobac.

 Jews for Judaism CanadaT The Counter-missionary Survival Seminar is the definitive, internationally acclaimed 10-part audio series, presented by Rabbi Michael Skobac, Education Director of JEWS FOR JUDAISM (Canada), that concisely presents the Jewish response to Christian missionary claims. Rabbi Skobac is one of the world’s leading rabbinical counter-missionary authorities and is a highly qualified and very successful exit-counsellor who has helped rescue many Jews from the evangelical Christian church. This unique audio series presents over 17 hours of thought provoking educational material which builds pride in your Jewish heritage and empowers you with the ability to respond with confidence to any Christian missionary who challenges your Jewish beliefs. Please click the link below to access or download these remarkable recordings.

To Listen To Any Lecture, Please Click On Its Title

Counter-missionary Survival Seminar – Audio:

Other Audios:

Rabbi Bentzion Kravitz:

What Every Jew Should Know About Missionaries Counter-missionary Seminar  – Rabbi Bentzion Kravitz  – 1990

How To Answer A Christian Missionary:

Step-By-Step Biblical Refutations with Rabbi Michael Skobac.  This “classic” counter-missionary audio recording was created to provide you with a basic understanding of the issues most commonly raised by Christian missionaries. It is often intimidating to be confronted with a barrage of Biblical quotations from someone intent on subverting your faith.

Confessions Of A Former Jew For Jesus:

An extraordinary personal story of Teshuvah. For five years, Julius Ciss, was a Jew for Jesus, working in the Hebrew-Christian movement to convert Jews. After much studying and introspection, he finally realized that Jesus was not the Jewish messiah, that he had been misled by deceptive missionaries and that he had made a terrible mistake to accept Christianity.

How missionaries distort the Jewish Bible:

Scripture Twisting: How missionaries distort the Jewish Bible

Have you ever been frustrated by encounters with Christians who bombard you with quotes from the Jewish Bible and then claim they can easily support their beliefs? Evangelical missionaries hijack our Jewish Bible and then use it as ammunition against us!

The Forest Beyond The Trees

The Forest Beyond The Trees: What is Judaism’s Bottom Line?

Judaism can be a very busy religion. We do so many things in our observance, it is easy to get lost in the details and forget about the big picture.  So what is Judaism really all about? What is the ultimate goal of everything we do, as Jews? Where is Judaism supposed to be taking us?

The Forest Beyond The Trees

The Forest Beyond The Trees: What is Judaism’s Bottom Line?

Judaism can be a very busy religion. We do so many things in our observance, it is easy to get lost in the details and forget about the big picture. So what is Judaism really all about? What is the ultimate goal of everything we do, as Jews? Where is Judaism supposed to be taking us?