This documentary film is lovingly dedicated to the further merit of Manfred E. Hart, OBM, and Penina Hart, OBM.

The following is the liner notes from the original video “What Is A Jew?” produced in 1991. The video was recorded well before current anti-Semitic and anti-Israel trends.


In 1991, Ricky Magder and Michael Hart took to the streets and asked people exactly that…

What is a Jew?

The Results were astounding.

The acclaimed video “What Is A Jew?” has been seen by thousands of people all over the world. Shot in one of the most multi-cultural and open-minded cities in the world – Toronto, where people from all walks of life can enjoy the liberty and luxury of living in a free and open society. You’ll be shocked to hear their response.

Now, for the first time, we’ve added some exciting new footage from the Soviet Ukraine – shot only 2 weeks prior to the failed coup attempt in Mosvent of problems such as the 2006 Lebanese War, BDS and other popular kcow in August 1991.

Get a glimpse of the opinions and stereotypes prevalent around the globe. Attitudes you may have never heard before, or even thought existed.

You’ll be amazed at what you are about to see.

One of the most active and effective Jewish youth movements in the world, NCSY (National Conference of Synagogue Youth) is an international program which encourages and promotes the revival of Jewish loyalty, study and commitment.

Moria Multi-Media
The objective of Moriah Multi-Media is to ensure the dissemination of Jewish values ot communities worldwide through the use of the audio/video media

In Dedication
To The Memory Of
Joseph K. Miller
Al Kiddush Hashem
On Pan Am Flight #103
Over Lockerbie, Scotland
December 21, 1988, 14 Teves 5749

Produced by Moriah Multi-Media in association with NCSY
Copyright 1991 Moriah Mult-Media

JEWS FOR JUDAISM is an outreach organization whose primary goal is to win back to Judaism those Jews who have been influenced by the following six threats to Jewish survival that are devastating the global Jewish community.

1. Hebrew-Christian missionaries convert thousands of Jews worldwide every year
2. Destructive cults cause many Jews to abandon family, friends and careers
3. Eastern religions, Buddhism and Hinduism are spiritual choices for many Jews
4. Apathy and ignorance leave many Jews unaware, unaffiliated and assimilated
5. Intermarriage is exploding with a 75% rate in some North American cities
6. Anti-Israel BDS on campus inhibits Jewish students from standing up for Israel and Judaism

To assist non-Jews who have left other religions, JEWS FOR JUDAISM also provides educational programs to help them embrace the Torah’s Seven Noachide Laws for Gentiles.

We achieve our goals through our worldwide Internet outreach, Social Media, free educational programs, educational literature and counseling services that connect Jewish people to the spiritual depth, beauty and wisdom of Judaism.

“I am so grateful to have discovered the wonderful Jews for Judaism YouTube lectures by Rabbi Skobac. I am a Jew who converted to Christianity in college, but now, thanks to your online outreach, I have returned to Judaism. Thank you.” – Rebecca G.

In a nutshell, Jews for Judaism saves Jewish lives and keeps Jews Jewish.

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Toronto, ON, CANADA M6A 3B7
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