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Are Jews Owners or Occupiers of Israel? – League of Nations – Mandate for Palestine

In 1922 the world restored the Jewish People to their homeland via a remarkable document from the League of Nations called The Mandate for Palestine. This instrument of International Law was the ultimate expression of the 1917 Balfour Declaration and the San Remo Conference of 1920.

Today, The Mandate for Palestine gives us a strong, but little-understood foundation upon which to build a powerful and secular moral counter-narrative to the devastating “occupation” propaganda. In this video, Israel Truth Week founder Mark Vandermaas shows us how to use The Mandate and the world’s failure to honour its provisions as a unique counter-propaganda weapon. Although The Mandate is a secular document, Mark notes that believers will be able to clearly see God’s fingerprints on its pages.

The Mandate and accompanying Note re: Trans-Jordan are crystal clear in the world’s promises to Jews:

1. The world declared that Palestine was to be the “reconstituted national home” of the Jewish People in recognition of the Jews “historical connection” with the land. The phrase “national home” or “Jewish national home” appears in the nine page document no fewer than five times.

2. The world recognized the “Zionist organization” as the agency to aid in “the establishment of the Jewish national home.”

3. The world agreed to “facilitate Jewish immigration” and to “encourage… close settlement by Jews on the land.”

4. The world recognized the borders of the Jewish state as being all land west of the Jordan River, including Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem.

5. The world created the original two-state solution when Mandatory Power Great Britain exercised its right under Article 25 to divide Jewish Palestine into two parts in order to create yet another Arab state called Trans-Jordan east of the Jordan River.

What does all this mean? It means that enemies of Israel and their enablers are trying to divide our land again via a new two-state solution instead of honouring the original solution. It means that the mere existence of this document proves that allegations of stolen land are patently false. It means that countless Jews needlessly died because Britain illegally kept Jews out of Palestine before and during the Holocaust. Today, it means that Jews should remind the world of its promises.

Mark Vandermaas has personally trained nearly 500 Zionists on how to use The Mandate for Palestine against the false “occupation” narrative that underlies nearly all of the vicious anti-Israel sentiment of today. His training builds on the work of the late land rights expert, Salomon Benzimra, author of The Jewish Peoples’ Rights To The Land Of Israel, but with a twist: Mark doesn’t merely recount history and legalities; his unique contribution is to show us how to use The Mandate for Palestine to make – and defend – a powerful moral argument on behalf of the Jewish People’s rights to Israel.

Using his downloadable training handbook, Mark will take you through The Mandate and its history, explain the importance of making a moral argument, and then give you precise scripts with which to defend against common objections, all so you can take control of the conversation.

Surprisingly, Mark has found that only 2% of his Zionist trainees had ever read the magnificent words of the “modern Jewish land title deed,” as he likes to call it. When they do, he says, they are inspired: “All my life I never had a copy of my country’s land title deed until you put one in my hands. Your support, understanding, vision and belief in us gave me the courage to stand up as a proud Jew.” –Renanah Gemeiner, land rights activist; Board Member, Toronto Zionist Centre; Co-founder of Canadian Jews and Friends of Yezidis

Mark argues that we Jews should be teaching our children that we are owners – not occupiers – and that Jews should be demanding a moratorium on “solutions” until the world acknowledges the promises it made in our deed from the original two state solution.

Mark can be contacted through his website,, or

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