This eye-opening and empowering presentation analyzes the claim of some Arabs, that only in recent years began calling themselves Palestinians, that Israel expelled them from their historic homeland in 1948 and now allegedly illegally occupy the land that has belonged to Palestinians for thousands of years.

Dr. Mordechai Kedar, presents an eye-opening review and full context of the controversy, shedding light on the true reality of the situation, of a people who claim that their nation is under “occupation”.

NOTE: Under international law, an “occupation” is only when a sovereign state overtakes the territory of another sover¬eign state.

NOTE: Palestine was never a state; the land in question was never sovereign territory of any country, thus it cannot be “occupied.”

NOTE: Israel and the Jewish people have (1.) a legal right, (2.) a 4,000 year historical legacy and (3.) a Biblical claim to all of the land Israel.

NOTE: The first time any Arab political entity ever called itself “Palestinian” was with the creation of the Palestinian Liberation Organization in 1964, 16 years after the rebirth of the modern State of Israel.

A central aim of this vital lecture is to encourage participants to uncover all the facts, see both sides of this complicated issue, and evaluate the strength of the competing arguments for yourself. Based upon this rigorous analysis, you will have a more informed point of view and be able to more effectively present it to others.


Dr. Mordechai Kedar holds a Ph.D. from Bar-Ilan University and a scholar of Arabic literature and senior lecturer in the Department of Arabic Studies at Bar-Ilan University. Dr. is a senior research associate at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies and is an academic expert on the Israeli Arab population.

He served for 25 years in IDF Military Intelligence, where he specialized in Islamic groups, the political discourse of Arab countries, the Arabic press and mass media, and the Syrian domestic arena. Dr. Kedar is an expert on the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist groups.

Dr. Kedar drew worldwide attention with a June 2008 al-Jazeera interview in which he challenged the moderator’s assertion that “You cannot erase Jerusalem from the Quran,” by pointing out that Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Quran.

Dr. Kedar can be reached at

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