Part #1 of the 2019 Jewish Connection to ISRAEL Lecture Series

This eye-opening and empowering presentation will analyze the claim of some Arabs, that only in recent years began calling themselves Palestinians, that Israel expelled them from their historic homeland in 1948 and now allegedly illegally occupy the land that has belonged to Palestinians for thousands of years.

Dr. Mordechai Kedar, will present an eye-opening review and full context of the controversy, shedding light on the true reality of the situation, of a people who claim that their nation is under “occupation”.

Under international law, an “occupation” is only when a sovereign state overtakes the territory of another sover­eign state.

Palestine was never a state; the land in question was never sovereign territory of any country, thus it cannot be “occupied.”

Also, Israel and the Jews have a legal right, a 4,000 year historical legacy and a Biblical claim to all of Israel.

The first time any Arab political entity ever called itself “Palestinian” was with the creation of the Palestinian Liberation Organization in 1964, 16 years after the rebirth of the modern State of Israel.

A central aim of this vital program will be to encourage participants to uncover all the facts, see both sides of this complicated issue, and evaluate the strength of the competing arguments. Based upon this rigorous analysis, you will have a more informed point of view and be able to more effectively present it to others.

Why is JEWS FOR JUDAISM presenting the 4th Annual Lecture Series with a focus on the Jewish connection of the Jewish people to the land of Israel?

Today, many young Jews worldwide are being coerced, threatened and manipulated into abandoning their claim to Israel. Tragically, more than ever they are succumbing to these challenges.

Confronted virulent anti-Israel activists with unscrupulous agendas their very freedom to make informed choices about Israel is being compromised.

Anti-Semitism is on the rise and universities are flooded with vile anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) propaganda that inhibits and frightens many young Jewish students from standing up for Israel and Judaism.

The result — countless young Jews are abandoning any commitment to Israel… and in some cases, even their Jewish faith.

Here is a common scenario of what can transpire:

The Levin family calls Jews for Judaism because of their daughter Rachel. She is feeling pressured to marry a Muslim man and accept his faith. Rachel originally met Ahmed at a Pro-Palestinian rally on her university campus. She was greatly impressed by the Palestinians’ case against Israel. Ahmed is having great influence on her attitudes to Judaism, Israel and even her own family. She is questioning her Judaism and developing strong anti-Israel sentiments

This is not an isolated example.

Led by the BDS movement on our campuses – where tomorrow’s leaders are in training — Jew-hatred is gaining momentum. The BDS movement has hijacked the hearts and minds of socially conscious Jewish youth.

Disguised by the paper-thin mask of anti-Zionism, the stated goal of the BDS is the elimination of Israel as a Jewish state. Sadly, young Jewish adults on campus are poorly prepared and very intimidated to respond to these promoters of hate and anti-Judaism.

To inspire Jews to be confident and knowledgeable in defense of Israel, and to help Jews not to be intimidated by the growing, vicious BDS movement, Jews for Judaism is very proud of its online “The Jewish Connection to ISRAEL” video lectures, of which this lecture “DEBUNKING THE MYTH OF THE EXPULSION & OCCUPATION OF PALESTINIANS BY ISRAEL”, will be a part.

JEWS FOR JUDAISM is an international outreach organization dedicated to countering the many growing threats to Jewish survival. We win back to Judaism those Jews who have been influenced by evangelical missionaries, destructive cults, eastern religions, Jewish apathy and ignorance, intermarriage, anti-Israel BDS movements and other challenges to Jewish continuity. Jews for Judaism achieves its goals through free educational programs, educational literature, counseling services and worldwide Internet outreach that connects over 3,500 people daily to the spiritual depth, beauty and wisdom of Judaism.

Wed, May 22, 2019 • Lag B’Omer
Shaarei Tefillah Congregation, 3600 Bathurst Street
For Info: (416) 789-0020 or carol@jewsforjudaism