Deepening Jewish Experience - The Spiritual Dimension with Rabbi Michael Skobac. Starts Monday, October 20, 2017.

Deepening Jewish Experience – The Spiritual Dimension with Rabbi Michael Skobac. Starts Monday, October 20, 2017.

If you want to deepen your under-standing of Judaism, if you are seeking more from your Jewish experience, or if you are just curious — then this seminar is for you!
In six stimulating sessions, Rabbi Skobac explores Jewish wisdom and inspirational teachings, revealing their profound relevance to your life.

  • Oct 23: THE STRUCTURE AND GOALS OF JUDAISM: Understanding the Big Picture – In Judaism is a way of life that has a very rich menu of practices from holidays to special ways to eat and dress. But what is Judaism at its core? Why do we ultimately do what we do? This session will explore these vital questions and help you appreciate the profound spirituality of the Jewish lifestyle.
  • Oct 30: CREATING THE MASTERPIECE THAT IS YOU: Personal Growth Through Mussar – The Midrash teaches that the Torah was only given in order to refine and transform us. A critical aspect of Jewish spirituality is the lifelong project of actualizing our personal potential and repairing our negative personality traits. This program explores some of Judaism’s profound teachings and techniques for self-perfection.
  • Nov 06: JEWISH PRAYER AND MEDITATION: Connecting With God – It is commonly assumed that meditation is foreign to Judaism. This is an unfortunate misconception. Judaism actually has a very developed and ancient meditative tradition. One of the most powerful of these is prayer. This session will explore the concept of prayer in Judaism – what it is and where it is supposed to take us.
  • Nov 13: SHABBAT AND HOLIDAYS: Creating Islands in Time – Jewish life has a profound rhythm that is experienced in its interface with time. This takes place through the special punctuation of the days in our lives by the Sabbath and holidays. This lecture will explore this complex rhythm and how it comes to enhance and enrich our lives.
  • Nov 20: EVERY DAY, DOWN TO EARTH SPIRITUALITY – One of the most important teachings of Judaism is the idea that every aspect of our lives has the potential to be a meaningful and spiritual experience, including the most mundane. This session will explore how activities such as eating, sleeping, breathing, driving and getting dressed can be engaged mindfully and with higher purposes.
  • Nov 27: SEEKING GOD: Faith and Doubt – Many people struggle with the centrality of God in Judaism. This session will explore the nature of these problems and some of the approaches Judaism has to help us along on the path to faith.

Six consecutive Mondays,

  • October 23 to November 27 • 8:00 PM
  • SHAAREI SHOMAYIM Congregation,
  • 470 Glencairn Avenue, Toronto
  • Admission: FREE
  • Registration is required: Call 416-789-0020 or email:

IF YOU ARE GEOGRAPHICALLY CHALLENGED (ie. Living in the Artic or Israel) and cannot attend this amazing 6-week Jewish Spirituality Crash Course, you can watch a previously recorded series by clicking here