Reaching Higher


REACHING HIGHER: Jewish Wisdom on Perfecting Our Character – with Rabbi Michael Skobac

This inspiring 6-week workshop is a virtual “tool-box of Torah tools for spiritual growth.”

Using a pre-recorded presentation, Rabbi Skobac will explore ancient and modern Jewish wisdom for personal growth. Topics include defining goals, mindfulness, cultivating awareness, patience, generosity, humility and much more.

Then, during a live Question & Answer session afterwards with participants, Rabbi Skobac will answer all of your questions.

  • Six consecutive Wednesdays, May 3 – June 7, 2023 • 8:00 PM ET
  • ZOOM attendance only
  • Registration required to receive Login ID and PW
  • To register, please complete the registration form below. or for more info go to
  • Email: • Telephone: 416-789-0020

To register, please fill in the form below the Course outline and click “send”.

COURSE OUTLINE AND DESCRIPTION for REACHING HIGHER: Jewish Wisdom on Perfecting Our Character :

• May 3: Session #1 • THE TOOLS OF PERSONAL GROWTH: What are the Goals and How Do We Get There?

One of the central concerns of Judaism is that we grow and develop as individuals. This program explores what is meant by spiritual growth and in what ways we are to become more complete and perfected people. A major aspect of this work is the refining and balancing of our various character traits. Of critical importance is ensuring that the lessons we learn don’t only remain as intellectual information, but that they become integrated emotionally. We will survey some of the vital techniques and tools that the Torah offers to help us accomplish these goals.

• May 10: Session #2 • YOU ARE WHERE YOUR THOUGHTS ARE: Mindfulness and Judaism

Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto’s masterwork dealing with personal growth, “Messilat Yesharim” (The Way of the Upright) begins by exploring the topic of “Zehirut”. This is the importance of being vigilant in our lives, living carefully and mindfully. There are many truths that we all know, but the challenge in life is often to pay attention to those truths in order to implement them. There are many ideas that we know intellectually, but remain disconnected from our hearts. Learning how to bridge this chasm is critical. In this lecture, Rabbi Skobac will explore this vital stage in the ladder of personal growth.

• May 17: Session#3 • THE POWER OF NOW: How to Avoid Procrastinating Life

When we realize that life is short and that there are many important things to accomplish, it becomes clear that wasting time is a huge problem. “Zerizut” is the Hebrew term for alacrity, and describes the personality trait of not putting off those things in our lives that should be done without delay. This lecture explores Torah teachings on how to live more full and productive lives by being mindful of our relationship to time.

• May 24: Session #4 • BECOMING A GIVER: The Art of Generosity

Our sages teach that one of the most powerful ways of getting close to God is by imitating His ways – specifically His kindness and generosity. This lecture explores the profound spiritual practice of giving through inspiring stories and teachings. We will learn that giving entails more than just sharing our resources and discover ways of refining our giving and see the redemptive potential it provides.

• May 31: Session #5 • COUNT TO TEN: Becoming a More Patient Person

What is “Art of Patience” about? Life can be very frustrating – especially when we don’t get what we want and when we want it. Having to wait can be extremely challenging for many of us. We suffer when getting delayed in traffic, being put on hold on the phone or find ourselves in a slow moving checkout line at the store. Worse, these situations can quickly escalate to anger and even full-blown rage. Fortunately, the Torah has a vast literature dealing with the importance of cultivating the character trait of patience. In this session, we will explore some of these wise teachings.

• June 7: Session #6 • THE BEAUTY OF HUMILITY: Learning How to Not Take Up Too Much Space

Humility (Anivut in Hebrew) is considered to be one of the most essential character traits to cultivate. Its opposite, arrogance, is considered to be one of the most abhorrent. Our sages have taught that many other positive character traits are related to and dependent on humility. Moses, the greatest prophet, was described by God as the most humble person in the world. Humility is not the negation of your strengths and talents – but the recognition that these are gifts given to us by the Almighty. This session will explore Torah teachings dealing with humility and ways in which we can strive to grow in this vital trait.