A LADDER TO HEAVEN: Understanding Judaism's Central Prayer with Rabbi Michael Skobac

A LADDER TO HEAVEN: Understanding Judaism’s Central Prayer with Rabbi Michael Skobac

While we may speak to the Almighty at any time in our own words, Judaism formalized the prayer experience with a set text called the Shemoneh Esrei, (The Eighteen) which is recited every morning, afternoon and evening. Rabbi Skobac will explore the origins and meaning of this prayer, as well as the significance of its blessings, in the following six lectures:

Nov 16:  The Genesis of a Prayer: Origins and Introduction to the Amidah  NOTE: Nov 23 Lecture NOTE: Nov 23: POSTPONED to Nov 30
Nov 30:  Elements of Praise: How We Begin to Pray
Dec 07:  Our Relationship with G-d: Wanting to Get It Right
Dec 14:  Getting Personal: Asking G-d For Our Basic Needs
Dec 21:  Seeking Redemption: What the World Needs
Dec 28:  The Depths of Thanks: Mastering Gratitude

(Full course outline and description below)

  • Five more consecutive Wednesdays, Nov 30 – Dec 28 • 8:00 PM ET
  • ZOOM only
  • Registration required to receive Login ID
  • To register or for more info go to jewsforjudaism.ca/ladder
  • Email: info@jewsforjudaism.ca • Telephone: 416-789-0020

To Register, please fill in the form below the Course outline.


Nov 16: THE GENESIS OF A PRAYER: Origins and Introduction to the Amidah

Originally, prayer in Judaism was informal and spontaneous. Each person spoke to the Almighty in their own language. While this modality of prayer still exists, the sages eventually composed a formalized, structured prayer that is recited each morning, afternoon, and evening. This prayer is recited in a standing position, so it is referred to as the Amidah – the standing prayer. In this session we will explore the major purposes and goals of this prayer, and why it is said three times each day.


Nov 30: THE ELEMENTS OF PRAISE: How We Begin to Pray

The structure of the weekday Amidah has three parts. We begin with praising G-d, we then ask Him for our needs, and we conclude with blessings of thanks. In this session, we will discuss the first three blessings of the Amidah that focus on praising G-d.

Dec 07: CENTERING OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD: Yearning to Get Right with the Creator

The middle section of the Amidah that contains requests for things we need has 13 blessings. This session will explore the first three of these blessings that deal with centering ourselves in our relationship with G-d. These blessings include requests for the ability to think clearly, to be able to repent and repair our standing with the Almighty and to secure His forgiveness for our lapses.

Dec 14: GETTING PERSONAL: Asking G-d For Our Basic Needs

This program continues to explore the Amidah’s section of requests. After centering our relationship with G-d, we pray that our basic personal needs will be met. These include the importance of redemption, health, and material sustenance.

Dec 21: SEEKING REDEMPTION: What the World Needs
The final requests that we make in the Amidah move from personal needs to needs of our nation and ultimately the world. This lecture will explore the seven things that we ask for in this section, including the ingathering of the exiles, the rebuilding of Jerusalem, and the coming utopian world under the leadership of the Messiah.

Dec 28: THE DEPTHS OF THANKS: Mastering Gratitude

This lecture discusses the concluding three blessings of the Amidah that are grouped under the heading of giving thanks. Gratitude is a vital character trait to cultivate because it’s impossible to appreciate the blessings we have through our answered prayers without an attitude of gratitude.


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    IN PERSON: Yes, I plan on attending the 13th Annual Spring Lecture Series IN PERSON.

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    VIA ZOOM: I will attend "The 13th Annual Spring Lecture Series" via ZOOM.

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    Please register me for the entire six-week "Spring Lecture Series", understanding that I may not attend each week.