WAS JESUS THE MESSIAH? Let’s Examine the Facts.
Narrated by Daniel Ventresca, Senior Volunteer, Jews for Judaism. Written by Pinchas Stolper © 1976 NCSY and © 2004 NCSY and Jews for Judaism.

Was Jesus The Messiah? Let’s Examine The Facts
The Missionaries claim that Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies pertaining to the Messiah. The truth, however, is that he did not fulfill even one of the important prophecies.
If Christians merely believed that Jesus was their messiah, this belief would be of little concern to us as Jews. Their claim, however, is not that he is the Christian Messiah, but our Messiah, the Messiah of the Jews, the Messiah foretold by the Jewish Prophets. Christians then attempt to prove this belief by quoting our Bible.
Certain Christian missionary groups have set up front organizations, like “Jews for Jesus,” through which they entice naive Jews to Christianity with an old and dis¬credited argument. “Don’t become a Christian,” they will argue, “remain a Jew, – however, while you remain a loyal Jew, accept Jesus as your “Messiah.”
In view of the confusion created by the many false claims of missionary groups, Jews must be armed with the facts to substantiate our conviction that everything Chris¬tians claim for Jesus as the Jewish Messiah is false.
This video presents a few “items” that will point out some of the glaring discrepancies and inconsistencies in the mis¬sionaries’ arguments.

JEWS FOR JUDAISM is an international organization dedicated to countering the multi-million dollar efforts of Christian missionary groups that target Jews, the impact of cults and eastern religions, and the growing rate of intermarriage that is devastating the Jewish community. JEWS FOR JUDAISM achieves its goal through FREE educational programs, materials and counseling services that connect Jewish people to the spiritual depth, beauty and wisdom of Judaism and keeps Jews Jewish. Please contact us if we can help you. www.jewsforjudaism.ca