LOSING OUR YOUTH To Anti-Israel Jewish Groups – featuring Rabbi Benjamin Blech, is dedicated in memory of a true advocate for the Jewish People: Mr. Harvey Hecker z”l.

Rabbi Blech is an International Lecturer whose writings include “If God Is Good, Why Is The World So Bad?” and “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Understanding Judaism”.

In this video lecture, Rabbi Blech explores the recent phenomenon of why more and more young Jews are turning away from Israel and joining Anti-Israel Jewish groups.

Sadly today, many young Jewish adults worldwide are apathetic and/or ignorant of Judaism and are also unaware of the historical and biblical significance of Israel to the Jewish people.

It is these same unaffiliated and assimilated Jews who are being severely influenced by Pro-Palestinian, Anti-Israel and Boycot, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) propaganda that are turning them into allies of the enemies of the State of Israel.

Anti-Israel-BDS Activists on campus inhibit Jewish students from standing up for Israel and for Judaism too, becoming easy prey for these Anti-Semitic groups that are winning them over in great numbers.

Sadly, more and more such groups are now being led by these passionately anti-Israel Jewish recruits.

Special thanks to Aish Toronto and Hasbara Fellowships Canada for permitting Jews for Judaism to record this lecture and to make it available worldwide. Recorded May 5, 2019 in Thornhill, Ontario, Canada.

JEWS FOR JUDAISM is an outreach organization whose primary goal is to win back to Judaism those Jews who have been influenced by the following six threats to Jewish survival that are devastating the global Jewish community.

1. Hebrew-Christian missionaries convert thousands of Jews worldwide every year
2. Destructive cults cause many Jews to abandon family, friends and careers
3. Eastern religions, Buddhism and Hinduism are spiritual choices for many Jews
4. Apathy and ignorance leave many Jews unaware, unaffiliated and assimilated
5. Intermarriage is exploding with a 75% rate in some North American cities
6. Anti-Israel BDS on campus inhibits Jewish students from standing up for Israel and Judaism

To assist non-Jews who have left other religions, JEWS FOR JUDAISM also provides educational programs to help them embrace the Torah’s Seven Noachide Laws for Gentiles.

We achieve our goals through our worldwide Internet outreach, Social Media, free educational programs, educational literature and counseling services that connect Jewish people to the spiritual depth, beauty and wisdom of Judaism.

“I am so grateful to have discovered the wonderful Jews for Judaism YouTube lectures by Rabbi Skobac. I am a Jew who converted to Christianity in college, but now, thanks to your online outreach, I have returned to Judaism. Thank you.” – Rebecca G.

In a nutshell, Jews for Judaism saves Jewish lives and keeps Jews Jewish.

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