THE ‘NEW’JEWISH RESPONSE TO CHRISTIAN MISSIONARIES 15-Part Counter-Missionary Seminar with Rabbi Michael Skobac

Rabbi Skobac will boost your Jewish pride and provide you with the knowledge, tools and spiritual survival skills needed to respond confidently to any Christian missionary who challenges your Jewish faith.

This series offers lectures 1-8 of the full 15-part lecture series. (Lectures 9-15 will be offered later in the year). Each week, after the presentation of the pre-recorded video lecture, Rabbi Skobac will then answer participant’s questions during a live Question & Answer session.

• 8 Consecutive Wed. evenings • Jan 15 – Mar 5 • 8:00 PM ET
• TO REGISTER complete the form at the bottom of this ad and click send. Your Zoom ID will be sent to you 24-36 hours prior to the program.
• FOR MORE INFO: 416-789-0020 or

Over the past two thousand years, the church has waged an unrelenting campaign to convert Jewish people to Christianity. While they seek to ‘save’ all people – Jews are a special target. Over the centuries, missionaries have polished their arguments and developed a highly sophisticated presentation to influence Jewish people.

Since the 1980s, Jews for Judaism has been the leading resource for the Jewish community in responding to the threat posed by aggressive and often deceptive proselytizing efforts.

This comprehensive course is an updated version of our original Counter-Missionary Survival Seminar launched in 1993. The program has been designed to give you confidence as a Jew in facing the claims of missionaries who challenge you online and face-to-face.

You will come to understand the missionary mindset and why they are obsessed with converting Jews. The classes will discuss why Jesus could not have been the Messiah and how Christianity split off from Judaism to become a separate religion. We will explore the problems with missionary doctrines of vicarious atonement and the Trinity and will learn how they twist the meaning of Biblical passages to advance their cause.


Session #1 – January 15, 2025 – WHY MISSIONARIES TARGET JEWS? Understanding What Makes Evangelical Christians Tick. This session is an overview of the nature and scope of today’s missionary threat to the Jewish community. We will learn what motivates Evangelical Christian Missionaries to target Jews for conversion and the tactics and techniques that they have developed to influence Jewish people to convert.

Session #2 – January 22, 2025 – CHRISTIAN ZIONISM: Why are Evangelical Christians Such Ardent Lovers and Supporters of Israel? After a long history of anti-Semitism and persecution by the Church, the emergence of Christian Zionists was confusing for the Jewish community. How are we to understand this phenomenon?

Session #3 – January 29, 2025 – WHAT IS THE MESSIAH? How the Scriptures Develop and Define the Concept of The Messiah. To evaluate whether someone is or is not the Messiah, we need a clear and accurate definition and criteria of what the Messiah is. This session traces the Biblical concept of the Messiah and contrasts the Jewish and Christian understandings of this vital issue.

Session #4 – Februay 5, 2025 – WAS JESUS THE MESSIAH? How Judaism Responds to the Major Christian Arguments. This session focuses on common claims advanced by missionaries for the Messiahship of Jesus. These include the doctrine of the ‘Second Coming’, the assertion that the spread of Christianity proves its veracity and the insistence that the alleged miracles performed by Jesus prove he was the Messiah.

Session #5 – February 12, 2025 – WHO WAS JESUS? And How Did Christianity Develop as a Religion Independent of Judaism? The earliest followers of Jesus were all Jews. If he was not the Messiah, how are we to understand who he was? Additionally, why did his movement not simply disappear as other groups following false Messiahs faded into oblivion and how did it morph into a non-Jewish faith with virtually no connection to Judaism or the original Jesus movement?

Session #6 – February 19, 2025 – EVALULATING THE MESSIANIC MAKEOVER: Could Jesus Die for Our Sins? Because Jesus failed to fulfill any of the real Biblical criteria of the Messiah, Christianity was forced to invent a novel role for the Messiah and claim that Jesus fulfilled it. This new concept is that the Messiah came to die as a sacrifice to atone for the sins of the world. This class carefully analyzes and refutes this concept.

Session #7 – February 26, 2025 – EVEN THE MISSIONARY CAN QUOTE SCRIPTURE: How Evangelists Manipulate the Bible for their Propaganda. One of the major arguments made by missionaries is that the Hebrew Scriptures contain hundreds of prophecies proving that Jesus was the Messiah and confirming other elements of Christian theology. This program outlines the basic ways in which Missionaries misread the Bible to advance their agenda.

Session #8 – March 5, 2025 – GROUND ZERO FOR CHRISTIANITY: The Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53. Many missionaries believe that the most powerful passage in the Jewish Bible for advancing their claims is the 53rd chapter of Isaiah. A surface reading seems to fit in with what Christianity teaches about Jesus. This in-depth analysis of this key passage will explain the problems with the missionary interpretation and suggest how Isaiah should really be understood.

• 8 Consecutive Wed. evenings • Jan 15 – Mar 5 • 8:00 PM ET
• TO REGISTER complete the form at the bottom of this ad & click send. You’ll receive your Zoom ID 24-36 hours prior to the program.
• FOR MORE INFO: 416-789-0020 or


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