The SHLOSHIM for NISON CISS z”l, June 5, 2017, Toronto, Holocaust/Shoah Survivor and Father of Julius Ciss, Executive Director of Jews for Judaism (Canada) – Nison Ciss was born in Dvinsk, Latvia. His original last name was Ziss. His family tree can be found by clicking this link:—latvia

My father’s last words, “Everything is going to be OK” was the theme of the SHLOSHIM for NISON CISS, z”l, which occurred on Monday, June 5, 2017. Shloshim is the thirty-day period in Judaism following burial, including Shiva, the seven-day mourning period. It is often concluded with a gathering to remember the departed and celebrate his/her life. Many people could not attend this very important Shloshim tribute to my Daddy. So it is my hope that this video will fulfill the important purpose of adding more purpose and meaning to the life of Nison Ciss z”l.

To appreciate who my Father, Nison Ciss, was, please also watch these videos
• The Shoah Testimony of my father, NISON CISS z”l, a Survivor of the Holocaust, recorded in on September 13, 1995, fifty years after liberation from Stutthof Concentration Camp.
• The 90th Birthday Party of Nison Ciss
• Commemorative Tribute to Nison Ciss’s 90th Birthday Celebration
• The Funeral of Nison Ciss, Nison ben Laib HaCohen, May 7, 2017 / Iyar 11, 5777

my father was the sole survivor of Hitler’s Holocaust, from his immediate family from Dvinsk, Latvia. We only recently learned that my father’s original name was Nison “Ziss”. To access my father’s family tree, click here—latvia

The 12 Speakers in the SHLOSHIM for Nison Ciss z”l were:
• Rabbi Rafi Lipner – Shaarei Tefillah Congregation
• Rabbi Avrohom Bartfeld – Bais Dov Yoseph Congregation
• Delores Gavin – Personal Caregiver
• Alon Ciss – Grandson
• Rabbi Michael Skobac – Education Director, Jews for Judaism
• Miriam Ciss – Granddaughter
• Gord Lindsay – Shamash, Shaarei Tefillah Synagogue
• Rabbi Moseh Stern – Rabbi Emeritus, Shaarei Tefillah Synagogue (Represented by Gord Lindsay)
• Evelyn (Chavalah) Mandel – Wonderful long-time friend and daughter of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Berenson
• Michael Hart – Devoted lifetime friend, son of Penny Hart and Grandson of Ma and Pa Urkovitch
• Nison Ciss – Audio recording of his speech at the Bar Mitzvah of his son Josef, Dec 17, 1960
• Julius Ciss – Son, and Executive Director of Jews for Judaism (Canada)

Donations in memory of Nison Ciss can be made to Jews for Judaism at

The SHLOSHIM for NISON CISS took at Shaarei Tefillah Congregation, 3600 Bathurst St., Toronto, ON

May my father’s memory be an inspiration to you.

Thank you for watching.

Julius Ciss
Executive Director, JEWS FOR JUDAISM
3110 Bathurst St, PO Box 54042, Toronto, ON, CANADA M6A 3B7
T: 416-789-0020 ext #2 • F: 416-789-0030 • C: 416-826-6718


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