UNDERSTANDING JERUSALEM – with Chaim Silberstein, Founder of Keep Jerusalem – Im Eshkachech – אם אשכחך

In this video Chaim Silberstein discusses the five layers of understanding Jerusalem today and its significance to believers of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
1. Geography – What is East and West Jerusalem?
2. Demography – How many Arabs and Jews live in Jerusalem and where.
3. Legal rights – Who has legal title and rights to Jerusalem under international law.
4. Security – What are the current security challenges and what would be the implications of a divided Jerusalem
5. Strategic Future – How to maintain a united Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty and ensure a large Jewish majority in the Jewish eternal capital for generations to come.

IMPORTANT: To see more important videos like “JERUSALEM: THREATS AND CHALLENGES” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odIvARWB0ew please visit the KEEP JERUSALEM YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCan-salkNGvNJkjBIcVxy6g/videos and learn more about KEEPING JERUSALEM.

To learn “WHO OWNS JERUSALEM? The Case Under International Law” watch this important video by Dr. Jacques Gauthier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYbq9rI1kOA&t=2933s

For further information on KEEP JERUSALEM, or to subscribe to their informative newsletter, please visit their website at http://keepjerusalem.org/

This video has been reproduced with the permission of Chaim Silberstein, Founder and President of Keep Jerusalem – Im Eshkachech – אם אשכחך.

Keep Jerusalem – Im Eshkachech is a non profit, non partisan advocacy organization educating about the centrality of Jerusalem in Jewish life and the importance of a united and secure Jerusalem for all lovers of freedom under Israeli sovereignty.