For Study Notes click:
. Step-By-Step Biblical Refutations
. Written by Rabbi Michael Skobac, .
. Education Director of JEWS FOR JUDAISM


Today, Evangelical Christians are aggressively targetting Jewish people for conversion. There are over 1,000 different organizations operating in North America specifically working to bring Jewish people into the Christian faith.

Many of these groups camouflage themselves to appear Jewish in order to lessen resistance to conversion. They may call their clergy “rabbis” and refer to their churches as “synagogues”. They often celebrate Jewish holidays with a Christological spin and wear traditional Jewish skullcaps and prayer shawls. Their goal is to create the impression that a Jew can become a Christian and still maintain his or her Jewish identity.

Aside from these groups specializing in reaching Jews, there are thousands of missionary organizations evangelizing all non-Christians.

They operate widely over the Internet, broadcast television and radio programs, run large public events, send their field workers to distribute literature and visit people at their homes and places of work. Obviously, we Jews will also encounter this missionary threat, and all too frequently, the person asking us to embrace Jesus will simply be a Christian friend, neighbour or business associate.

This video recording was created to provide you with a basic understanding of the issues most commonly raised by Christian missionaries. It is intimidating to be confronted with a barrage of Biblical quotations from someone intent on subverting your faith.

This video will help you learn that there is another side to the story that missionaries present.

May you continue to explore and experience the profound wisdom, beauty and joy of Judaism.

• The Messiah
• The Problem of Elijah
• The Problem of Jesus’ Genealogy
• The Claim That Jesus Performed Miracles
• The Alleged Resurrection of Jesus
• Proof-texting
• The Virgin Birth Passage of Isaiah 7:14
• The Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53
• G-D’s Suffering Servant Is Israel
• Atonement from Sin

Jews for Judaism is a leader in Jewish outreach, fighting many dangers to Jewish continuity such as missionaries, cults, eastern religions, Jewish apathy & ignorance and assimilation and anti-Israel Jew-hatred.

Jews for Judaism strengthens preserves and defends Jewish identity through its Internet outreach, social media, free educational programs, literature and counselling that connect Jews to the spiritual depth, beauty and wisdom of Judaism.

“I am so grateful to have discovered the wonderful Jews for Judaism YouTube lectures by Rabbi Skobac. I am a Jew who converted to Christianity in college, but now, thanks to your online outreach, I have returned to Judaism. Thank you.” – Rebecca G.

In a nutshell, Jews for Judaism saves Jewish lives and keeps Jews Jewish.


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